Welcome to Bismarck Community Church!First time here?https://tinyurl.com/BCCconnectNeed Prayer?https://tinyurl.com/BCChurchPrayerOnline Giving –https://bismarckcc.aware3.net/give/What’s Happening This Week?https://bismarckcc.org/this-week-at-bcc/Follow Up Resource –https://tinyurl.com/BCCResource5-30Gospel Community Facilitator QuestionsMake sure to listen OR watch this last Sunday’s sermon. Pastor Bob Nordvall continued our NEW #SummerPreachingSeries | Bob Nordvall | “Born Again? What Does It Look Like?” | John 3:1-17Q1. Through the working of the Spirit, what do you need to give up to be a fully committed follower of Jesus?
Q2. Why was this “born again” concept so difficult for Nicodemus to understand? Is it difficult for you to understand?
Q3. What would complete trust and faith in God look like in your life?