Welcome to Bismarck Community Church!First time here?https://tinyurl.com/BCCconnectNeed Prayer?https://tinyurl.com/BCChurchPrayerOnline Giving –https://bismarckcc.aware3.net/give/What’s Happening This Week?https://bismarckcc.org/this-week-at-bcc/Follow Up Resource –https://tinyurl.com/BCCResource5-23Gospel Community Facilitator QuestionsMake sure to listen OR watch this last Sunday’s sermon. Pastor Ron Klein launched our NEW #SummerPreachingSeries | “Pentecost Lessons Through the Lens of Abraham” | Acts 2:1-8Q1. Read Hebrews 11:8. Why does God call people to faith?
Q2. If Abraham knew where he was going and every step he would take to get there, how would this impact his faith in God?
Q3. What would complete trust and faith in God look like in your life? How would your life look differently or the same?