Welcome to Bismarck Community Church!First time here?https://tinyurl.com/BCCconnectNeed Prayer?https://tinyurl.com/BCChurchPrayerOnline Giving –https://bismarckcc.aware3.net/give/What’s Happening This Week?https://bismarckcc.org/this-week-at-bcc/Follow Up Resource –https://tinyurl.com/BCCResource6-6Make sure to listen OR watch this last Sunday’s sermon. We continued our #SummerPreachingSeries | Tony Mitterling | “Engaging the Silence of God” | Mark 14:32-41Q1. How have you seen or not seen God answer prayers in your life?
Q2. Tony mentioned journaling as an appropriate way to write down thoughts and prayers, how do you process or spend time reflecting with God?
Q3. Why are our stories important to share with others? What is your story? Who do you need to share it with?