Welcome to Bismarck Community Church!First time here?https://tinyurl.com/BCCconnectNeed Prayer?https://tinyurl.com/BCChurchPrayerOnline Giving –https://bismarckcc.aware3.net/give/What’s Happening This Week?https://bismarckcc.org/this-week-at-bcc/Follow Up Resource –https://tinyurl.com/BCCResource6-13Make sure to listen OR watch this last Sunday’s sermon. We continued our #SummerPreachingSeries | Kris Heiple | The Parable of The Sower | Mark 4:1-9Q1. Read Mark 4:1-9 slowly several times. What sticks out to you?
Q2. Kris challenged assess their fruit in their lives. Check out Galatians five and write out all the fruits of the spirit. Assess your own life. Do you see or not see those fruit showing up in your life?
Q3. Why does Jesus say people need to be like children to enter the kingdom of God?