Welcome to Bismarck Community Church!First time here?https://tinyurl.com/BCCconnectNeed Prayer?https://tinyurl.com/BCChurchPrayerOnline Giving –https://bismarckcc.aware3.net/give/What’s Happening This Week?https://bismarckcc.org/this-week-at-bcc/Follow Up Resource –https://tinyurl.com/BCCResource2-21Gospel Community Facilitator QuestionsMake sure to listen OR watch this last Sunday’s #HopeRevealed sermon, where Tony Musumba preached from the Book of Revelation chapters 16.Q1. Tony mentioned that God’s wrath and anger are different than human’s wrath and anger… What was Tony trying to convey? Do you agree or disagree?
Q2. Tony preached on the seven bowls of wrath poured out, and in the middle of the bowls of wrath, he mentioned there was an “interlude” nestled in verse 7, why did the author place this interlude in the middle of the bowls of wrath? What do you think?
Q3. Tony left us with several practices to engage in this week: Pray the Psalms, Walking with a friend & Have spiritual conversations with some accountability. Which do you want to implement in your own life this week?
Q4. The book of Revelation is a love letter, over and over it reemphasizes the importance of repentance and turning our hearts toward God, allowing God to have our whole heart, what is one thing that is distracting you from giving God your whole heart?
ENGAGE these resources: Some excellent ways to initiate Jesus-centered conversations at home with your family or by yourself