What Kind of Man was Jesus?


yea, I am talking mostly to you.  Few things bother me more than knowing that many men in the church don’t find Jesus interesting or helpful.  I see women who are pursuing Jesus and coming to church.  I see fewer men really engaged in what God is doing.

We recently had 29 women sign up for one ladies Bible study we offered.  I see fewer men making the time to do this sort of thing.

And I know why.

Our culture has taught that Jesus is like Mr Rodgers with a beard.  We see pictures of him holding little kids and lambs.  We talk about the tender touch of Jesus.  We even sing love songs about him.  This sort of Jesus is not the kind of Jesus a man wants to follow.

Often we neglect the fact that he was feared.  Even his disciples were afraid of him sometimes.  When he calmed the storm they were afraid!  His power sent shivers down their manly spines.

He was direct.  He called out the pharisees on their lame excuses for being selfish and challenged everyone who would listen to be better people.

He ransacked their temple, turning over tables he was so irritated with their selfishness and their inability to grasp a higher vision and purpose.

Jesus could be tender when he needed to be.  Something most of us men could learn to be better at.  But he was no stranger to power, purpose, vision, direction and strength.

We are starting a Bible Study for men next week.  On the 21st at 7pm.

You will not learn how to be more tender.

You will not learn how to be weaker.

You will be challenged to be better men.  You will be challenged to be better leaders.  You will be challenged to have greater vision.  You will learn to follow one of the most challenging leaders of all time.

Are you man enough to follow Jesus?

Join us at BCC Feb 21st at 7 pm.