Weekly Follow Up – Oct. 13th – 19th

Watch Sermon Video HERE

K-Group Facilitator Questions

Q1. Is it hard for you to spend time alone with God?

Q2. What are some of the things that obstruct people from participating in authentic community?

Q3. Do you gravitate toward more or less people when you have less rest?

BCC Weekly Parental Resource

God’s BIg Adventure: Topic: The Battle is On: Ephesians 6:10-18

Main Question: Who’s the worst villain that you can think of?

Look Up ↑ Think of words to describe God’s Power. Can you think of one for every letter of the alphabet?

Look In ← As God’s family, we don’t face this alone. How can we encourage one another?

Look Out → Pray for God to show you things in the world that you can make better by doing something good.

Childcare Options Resource for your K-Group HERE

Service Opportunities for your K-Group HERE