Welcome to Bismarck Community Church
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Q1. What is one way we can preach the gospel to ourselves every day?
Q2. Why do humans tend to put emphasis on smaller issues?
Q3. How do followers of Jesus live in a manner that reveals that they exist to show others what the world could be like?
Q4. Where is God graciously leading and inviting you to change?
Pastor Jared invited & challenged us toward two steps to engage every day:
#1. Say, “I am the chief of all sinners.” Why? We sometimes forget that we are still in desperate need of God’s graces more and more every single. day. We haven’t arrived.
#2. Default to generosity when dealing with others and yourself.Why? Because God deals more than generously with you, therefore, be generous with others. Especially those you may differ on opinion with.
ENGAGE these resources: Some excellent ways to initiate Jesus-centered conversations at home with your family or by yourself