Our Vision

Our vision is to live out our lives as actors in a story being told across the generations.  This is a four part story we call Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration.

This painting called God’s Story was painted by David Arms.*

This painting depicts the full story of the Bible in four panels.  Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration.  We believe this four fold drama explains the longings in our hearts.  We all know that sometimes things aren’t the way they are supposed to be.  The Bible explains this in the creation story when God said that all he had done was “very good.” We were made with purpose, hope and relationship.

All of these things became corrupted in the fall.  We often feel lost and hopeless.  We all have experienced our fair share of fractured relationships with others and with our creator.

Even in the third chapter of Genesis, right after the fall, God begins his work of redemption.  The Bible is the story of the ways that God works in people, in communities and ultimately through Jesus Christ to restore all that was lost.

We live in between the third and fourth panel when Jesus promises to return in a physical body.  He promises to restore our broken dreams, bruised bodies, and wounded hearts.  He promises to fully and finally restore humanity and creation to all he intended for us to be.  We will one day become everything we were made to be.

This is our hope. This story motivates our lives as we learn what it means to live out of these truths.  Our vision is to become a people who live this out and to recreate ourselves by starting other communities that believe and live out this story across our city.

*you can read more about this painting and the artist here.