Follow Up Resource

December 19th

Read. Isaiah 11:1-5.

Q1. Do we lament & grieve well?

Q2. How does the song “O Come, O Come Emanuel” shape our understanding of who God is & who we are?

December 12th

Read. Psalm 98.

Q1. What keeps you from being aware of what God is doing & has done?

Q2. Why do you think we ignore the curse, or pretend it away?

Q3. What emotions and feelings does knowing God shines into all the darkness bring to you?


December 5th

Read. John chapter 1.

Q1. Why is it difficult to articulate our existence?

Q2. Where do you sense God’s wonder most in your life?

Q3. What is beauty?

November 28th

Read. Genesis 48:8-12

Q1. What do you hope for?

Q2. What are you afraid of?

Q3. How does Jesus’ life give us hope? Does it?

Q4. Why is it so difficult to sit & wait for God to fulfill his promises?

November 21st

Read. James 1:26-27

Q1. According to James, what is true religion?

Q2. Who are the most disadvantaged people around you?

Q3. What does God say about what you need to do?