“Corona & Church” Update #2 from Pastor Jared 3.17.2020

You have heard from me in recent days the same sentiment expressed by Jesus to his followers right before he was executed by the Romans.  In John 14 Jesus told his followers, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God, trust also in me (Jesus).”


Trust counts most when its hard.  It is easy to trust in God when there is not a global pandemic, the stock market is rolling and your family is doing well.  It gets harder when you are sweating and watching cable news.  But pause and take a deep breath and tell yourself, everything is going to be ok.

That is not to say that this is not a challenging time for many of us.  So there are a few things we need to do right now.

First of all, please reach out to me if you need anything at all.  You can call or text our church ministry number. 701.969.0469

How can I be praying for you?  The elders at BCC want to know how we can care for you right now.  We have several volunteers who are happy to run errands, pick up groceries and that kind of thing.  Please let us know if you need help.

Also, check on your neighbors.  Check on friends who are around you.  We have the ability to help if we know how to.  We want to.  Let us know.

I have said it before, we are here to serve the world.  So what are some little things that can make a difference?

  1. Buy local gift cards right now.  Area businesses may be at risk.  Go ahead and purchase gift cards.
  2. Stock local little pantries.  There are pantries all over town.  FInd one and put some food items in it.
  3. Check on your neighbors.  (It is worth repeating).
  4. Do you know someone who is suffering from the economic slowdown?  Help them out.  Maybe you need some yard work done, or you just can help someone out.  Don’t hesitate to offer if you are able.
  5. Give.  Dont stop giving.  Nonprofits (including the church) will be working hard through this time to provide extra resources and receiving less.  You can give online here.

Also I want to give you an update on what we are going to do for worship services in the near future.  I will be at the building this Sunday along with a few volunteers and staff.  We are encouraging the church to stay at home.  (Do you remember that the church is the people, not the building? Our church will be home, I will be in the building.)

We will live stream a worship service so you can watch on our facebook page or on our watch page.  All you have to do is visit that address on Sunday Morning at 9.  Your family can gather around your TV or computer and join us in worship.

We have decided that as long as the government and CDC are recommending social distancing, we will make a decision each week by Tuesday so you will be able to plan and stay healthy.  But remember, these measures are not about us as individuals.  This is about helping make our world better.

No one should be better than the Body of Christ at adapting to make the world a better place.  We are called to bring light into dark places, whatever that takes.  That might mean we minimize our public worship for a season.  That might mean we are forced to be a little bit more isolated.  But it also means we do whatever it takes to find community and to serve the world around us.  We must be the first to protect our neighbors.

What are we called to do?  Do you remember?  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.  These two things are the focus this week and in the near future.

Trusting with you, Pastor Jared