Are You Stressed and Anxious?

If you are feeling a lot of pressure, you are certainly not alone.  We are one of the most stressed out and anxious societies to ever live!

I can’t say we have THE answer, because it’s a big problem, but I am willing to suggest a possible answer.  You and I have become the center of our world.  The messages we hear constantly tell us that we can be satisfied, but we don’t feel that way.

Why not?

I think there are two reasons.  First of all, the choices are endless.  You got the black dress, but then you wonder if you should have gotten red instead.  Is that hot water heater I just bought really the best one for my money? What if it breaks down again? Did I get the right warranty?  I bet the scammers won’t honor their word, then I’ll be out a thousand bucks!

More choices lead to more stress, not less stress.

Second, when did life suddenly become about us?  We are not meant to be the center of our world.  I know that’s tough to hear.  I also know that it contradicts most of the messages we hear. But here you are, not feeling happy and fulfilled.

At Bismarck Community Church, we try to center our lives around another.  It takes time and commitment, but once we begin to be shaped by a different message, we can find greater peace and happiness.  There is a God who is bigger and way more significant than us, and yet he cares deeply about our lives.

This is our message.  Join us and be shaped by it. I’m betting it can ease your anxiety levels.