Why a Book Club?

By Alicia Dietrich

One thing I look forward to about summer is reading a great book while relaxing in the sun.  I love, love, love to read.  I suspect I am not alone!

For me finding a good book is like discovering a treasure.  I totally enjoy getting lost in the story a good author weaves.  There have been times when I am so sad after finishing a book because I will “miss” the characters.  Crazy, I know! Yet – once again, I suspect I am not alone!

I think as Christian women, we need to be careful of what we read.  There are so many books out there – both Christian and secular.  Many are inspiring.  Many are eye opening.  Many are informative.  But some are filled with filth.

I encourage you this summer to join me in reading books that will inspire you and encourage you and challenge you in healthy ways.

The first book I have chosen for our summer book club is Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury.  Karen Kingsbury is one of my favorite fiction authors.  She beautifully weaves stories about realistic people and the problems they face.  There is a “God component” to each of her books in which the Truth is considered in one way or another.  However, they are not preachy.  They are simply people trying to sort through the problems of life and wrestling with God is not excluded from her story lines.  She writes stories that would be enjoyable to anyone believer or non-believer.

Reading Karen Kingsbury novels have entertained me.  However, they have also grown me.  Reading about characters process their faith (or lack there of), has caused me to think and process as well.

I would be thrilled if you would join me in reading Shades of Blue this June.  The book costs $8 if ordered through me.  However, feel free to check it out of the library or search for a better deal online.  We will meet to discuss this book on June 21 at 11:30 am OR on June 25 at 7pm.  Both discussions will be the same.  I have simply chosen two separate times in the hopes that one or the other will work for you! (I will be placing the book order on Tuesday, May 29.  So if you want to order through me, please notify me by then.)

Please RSVP to me if  you are planning on joining this book club.  You can email me at bcc@bismarckcummunitychurch or phone me at 391-8961.