Nominations for Church Officers

Here are the nominees for Elder and Deacon.  We will be voting on these names at our congregational meeting on Sunday the 17th.  If you have more, please feel free to let us know prior to the meeting.

We only really need 1 Deacon and we have 1 Nominee.  Kier Vander Wal has been a part of our church for several years, his family comes from the Dutch community in the southern part of our state.  (some of you may be related to Kier and you didn’t know it!) He recently married Candy, his high school sweetheart and they make their home among us!


We need to replace two outgoing (leaving, not necessarily EXTROVERTED) elders.  And we have one whose two year term is ending and is willing to return.


Zach Hargrove is married to Leah and has two really cute kids.  He is our resident weatherman, keeping us all updated on why we don’t have enough snow and it’s December.  Some of you are happy about that, I myself would prefer snow.  


Elijah Tenai has been a part of our body for a few years now, he and Betty moved with their two kids from Kenya for Elijah to work for the great state of North Dakota.  He has been meeting with the elders regularly for several months and helping us all learn and grow together as we seek out what God is calling us toward.


Don Asheim and his wife Sandy have been a part of our body for many years.  Both Don and Sandy have previously served as an Elders in the past.  Don is excited to be returning to join us in shepherding the people of God.