Daily Rhythms Begin Next Week

We are a fast paced people.  Life is managed in sound bites.  We will only watch videos that are less than three minutes long.  If your facebook post is too long we keep scrolling.

We are busy.  Way too much to do.  Information is everything.  We consume quickly.  News headlines and drive thru burgers, baby.  More, gimme, quick, sorry no time, gotta run!

Do you relate to this fast and consumptive lifestyle?

I want to offer you the opportunity to slow down.

I think you will find that life lived according to specific rhythms will help you to find a greater sense of peace and a more meaningful life.

I also happen to believe that there is nothing more peaceful, significant, or meaningful than knowing the one who made us.

Starting on September 18th I will be posting short verses each day to be read in the morning, early afternoon, and evening.  We are beginning with the Psalms and will go out from there according to the seasons of the year.

The easiest way to participate will be to get the Bismarck Community Church App available in the iOS or Android app store by the link above or by searching “Bismarckcc.”  Once you have the app, you can subscribe to different tags through the menu.  If you subscribe to “Daily Rhythms” you will receive an app notification three times a day linking you to that specific content laid out in “morning, afternoon, and evening” readings.

Why would you do this?

Consider for a minute the notifications you get on your phone.  Personally, I get updates on weather, scores from the St. Louis Cardinals, facebook messages, certain news headlines, and some meeting reminders.  There are probably a few others in there than I am forgetting.

I am betting you get several a day as well.  I know facebook notifications used to be the most common for me until I finally turned those off.

How important are they?  How much distraction do they build into your life?

I’d like you to consider the opposite.  I’d like to offer you a notification that builds a purposeful “recentering” of your life.  Three times a day I would like you to consider stopping what you are doing, setting aside the other distractions, reading just a few verses of Scripture and taking a minute to pray.

I believe if you embark on this experience with me, you will discover that your life seems to be more full rather than more distracted.

I believe that together we will begin to discover that our lives have been disjointed and scattered.  But I believe life is meant to be centered on Christ.  And in this experiment I believe we will together discover a more full and “whole” sense of life.

Consider joining us in this experiment.  And let’s see if we can find more meaning and fulfillment in life.