Commitment to Purity

As young people grow, they face a variety of temptations and pressures.  They will make life-shaping moral decisions between the ages of 11 and 19, and their decisions will shape who they are as followers of Christ.  As parents you, along with the help of the Church, can help your kids choose a life of purity.

Ultimately, your kids must choose between a pure and impure lifestyle.  Encouraging a lifestyle of purity means more than just lecturing kids about abstaining from sex until after marriage.   Instead, God wants all of His children to commit to purity in all areas of our lives, for as long as we live.

When parents are open and honest with their sons and daughters and set biblical role models for purity their kids understand proper boundaries, form their identity in Christ, and strive to honor God in all areas of their lives.

Let’s be honest, this is one of the most difficult things to do in a world today that is putting sex in your face.  Movies, TV shows, even advertisements are telling our kids that sex before marriage is a perfectly natural, normal thing.  In this seminar we aim to combat what society says is OK, and show exactly what Biblical purity is and how it can be practiced in all areas of your kids lives.

Please join us at Milestones on March 17th by signing up online here.  I look forward to seeing you there.

Youth Pastor Josh DeKok